We Invite You To the Javanese Panggih Wedding Of
" Bagaimanapun juga ,
bagi kamu masing masing berlaku ; Kasihilah isterimu seperti dirimu sendiri dan isteri hendaklah menghormati suaminya "
( Efesus 5:33 )
" However , Let each one of you Love his wife as himself, and let the wife
see that she respects her husband "
( Ephesus 5:33 )
August 27th, 2022 | 15:30 WIB
We’re getting hitched! And we’d be delighted if you could join our wedding in Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel Sudirman, Jakarta!
We greatly appreciate your presence. in our biggest day.
Therefore, we would like to have your confirmation on your attendance to the wedding ceremony.
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15.30 - Wedding Ceremony
Please watch through the Bride's YouTube Live to watch the entire procession of the wedding Live.
Thank You for Joining Us.